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March 14, 2024

Private equity in Africa. A conversation with Stephane Bacquaert

Private equity is a great way of investing in uncertain, high growth environments. Strange then, that the African private equity industry is so small. In fact, Stephane Bacquaert of Adenia Partners argues that the Western, established private capital industry has systematically misunderstood the African opportunity, and in particular its risk profile.

In this Fund Shack podcast with Ross Butler, he talks about managing one of Africa’s largest control buyout funds, and the value that so many investors are missing out on.

Key Highlights:

  • Stephane’s Journey: Transitioned from strategy consulting to private equity in Africa, driven by personal connections and a desire to support African businesses. His initial venture failures led him to focus on supporting management teams through investment.

  • Investment Strategies: Emphasis on control buyouts and majority deals, which provide more influence over business outcomes. Investment decisions are driven by bottom-up analyses, focusing on companies with strong growth potential, robust management teams, and pricing power. Importance of being embedded locally to source and execute deals effectively, given the lack of structured deal flow and the necessity of relationship-based deal sourcing.

  • Market Dynamics: Africa’s high growth potential is driven by demographic trends, urbanization, and a burgeoning middle class. The continent’s economic fundamentals include rapid population growth, significant urban migration, and high GDP growth rates in several countries. These trends create opportunities in sectors such as consumer goods, retail, financial services, and infrastructure. Challenges include currency devaluation, regulatory complexities, and the need for infrastructure development.

  • Challenges and Opportunities: Navigating Africa’s complex regulatory landscape requires deep local knowledge and adaptability. Currency devaluation is a significant risk, necessitating investments in companies with strong local demand and pricing power. Building infrastructure is crucial, from establishing retail chains to upgrading production facilities.

  • Impact and ESG: Private equity investments in Africa have a profound impact on job creation and economic development. Adenia Partners focuses on improving ESG standards, such as transitioning companies to more sustainable practices and ensuring compliance with international environmental and social standards. Examples include the transformation of a retail chain in Kenya and the shift to water-based paints in East Africa. These efforts not only enhance business value but also attract international buyers and investors.

#PrivateEquity #AfricaInvestment #ImpactInvesting #ESG #VentureCapital #InvestmentStrategies #EmergingMarkets

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Fund Shack is a private equity podcast and global media channel for alternative investment professionals. Fund Shack is produced by Linear B Group.
Katie Mitchell
Company: Linear B Group